Message: “Fighting Giants (Joshua 10-12)” from Brady Cook

A message from the series “Fighting Giants.” After Jericho falls, Ai is captured, and the Gibeonites surrender, the other nations in Canaan take notice. Their response is to band together, hoping that their combined forces will be enough to defeat Jehovah and the Israelites.

It won’t.

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Message: “Do You Want to Be Healed?” from Brady Cook

When Jesus asked the man laying by the pool at Bethesda if he wanted to be healed, the question seemed almost redundant. The man had been there for 38 years; what else could he want?

Spiritually, Jesus is asking us the same question, and our response boils down to two options. Either we question what it is that we need to be healed of, or we eagerly gobble up every bit of salvation we can get our hands on.

True Christians choose the latter–and continue to choose it for the rest of their life.

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Message: “Fighting Giants (Joshua 9)” from Brady Cook

A message from the series “Fighting Giants.” There’s a brief interlude in the middle of all the conquests in Joshua to talk about the story of the Gibeonites. Technically, they should’ve been conquered by the Israelites, but due to an elaborate ruse, they ended up under Israel’s–and God’s–protection.

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Message: “Decide…To Serve Your Neighbor” from Brady Cook

A message from the series “Decide! (Hillside Theme – 2024).” We know that we’re supposed to serve our neighbors.

We know that there are several ways we can serve our neighbors.

We know that serving our neighbor is an extension of grace.

If we know all that, then why is that that we don’t choose to serve our neighbor as often as possible?

It’s not a difficult concept, but oftentimes, we make up excuses to get out of serving others. Moses did the same thing, and his excuses give us a blueprint for how to move past our own reasons for not wanting to serve.

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Message: “Fighting Giants (Joshua 7-8)” from Brady Cook

A message from the series “Fighting Giants.” Victory over Ai wasn’t supposed to take two attempts, but it did when Achan’s greed torpedoed the Israelites’ first effort. They wouldn’t make the same mistake the second time around, at which point they sacked the city in overwhelming fashion.

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Message: “The Weight of Our Armor” from Brady Cook

The Armor of God is one of the most vivid depictions of our stand as Christians in the entire New Testament. There is a lot of value in viewing these pieces individually, but the real strength of the armor is in what they can do together.

And what Paul wants us to use that armor for is to stand firm. He doesn’t want us to take big swings and change the entire world and baptize a billion people (all of which would be fine). Instead, he tells Christians to simply stand.

Why is that important and how does the armor help us do that?

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Message: “Fighting Giants (Joshua 5:13-6:27)” from Brady Cook

A message from the series “Fighting Giants.” The battle of Jericho is one of the most iconic battles in the Old Testament. It’s a battle that is fought–and won–by faith; without it, Israel would fall flat.

Before they fight though, Joshua will have a conversation with one of the most enigmatic figures in all of Scripture.

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Message: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” from Brady Cook

“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”

These three descriptions of Jesus are usually seen as synonyms, but they mean three very distinct things. Jesus isn’t wasting words–He’s telling people exactly who He is.

This declaration is bound to be offensive to some people, but that’s exactly why the Word is so divisive. You either believe who He says He is, or you don’t.

What do you believe?

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Message: “Be Salt and Light (Theme Service)” from Brady Cook

This election season has already been one of the most contentious in recent memory. One look at the news shows chaos; one glance at our social media reveals anger.

In an environment like this, one of the things Christians can do is show our distinctiveness. We’re called to pray for peace in the world around us so that we can live righteously. If we’re able to live righteously, our example should point people towards Christ.

That’s why it’s so important for us to live as salt and light in the world around us. Last Sunday morning, we spent an entire service praying, singing, and talking about this very subject. Prayerfully, by the end of the election tonight, we’ll be able to point some souls to God based on how we handle the news that unfolds.

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Message: “Fighting Giants (Joshua 3-5:12)” from Brady Cook

A message from the series “Fighting Giants.” After the positive report from the spies, it’s time for Israel to cross the Jordan and enter Canaan. Before they do that, though, they need to “consecrate” themselves.

To help, God is going to give them one more miracle–one that should look very familiar to the older generation.

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