Last modified: May 23, 2022
Brady• May 23, 2022•
Solomon is exceptionally qualified to speak at your graduation this month. He’s rich, successful (by worldly standards), and is given more wisdom than any person that has ever lived.
So what advice would he give to graduates in a commencement speech? While he would most likely start with the necessity to keep learning, he might also talk about the best places to find wisdom, how to define success, and to keep a healthy fear of God wherever you go.
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CloseSolomon is exceptionally qualified to speak at your graduation this month. He's rich, successful (by worldly standards), and is given more wisdom than any person that has ever lived. So what advice would he give to graduates in a commencement speech? While he would most likely start with the necessity to keep learning, he might also talk about the best places to find wisdom, how to define success, and to keep a healthy fear of God wherever you go.
Last modified: May 23, 2022