
Let’s Let God Shake the Room

In the middle of what is truly an awesome description of the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21, John takes a brief aside to run through a list of things that will keep us all out of Heaven. For the most part, they’re all understandable; it makes sense that murderers, idolaters, and unbelievers would not be …

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Job as a Family Man

What do we really know about Job? We know that he suffered (a lot). We know he had some really awful friends who gave him some even worse advice. We also know that he struggled to justify himself in the face of an overwhelmingly popular opinion that he had committed some grave sin somewhere. But …

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Do You Agree with John Chau?

A couple of weeks ago, an American-born missionary named John Chau was killed while attempting to bring the Gospel message of Jesus Christ to a remote location East of India named North Sentinel Island. The Sentinelese, as they are known, are fiercely protective of their lands and are aggressively resistant to any kind of contact …

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