Most churches talk about being a family, but at Hillside church in Greenville, I really believe we are one. I’ve been here now for 14 years, and in that time period, I’ve seen a lot of growth, a lot of disappointments, and a lot of great moments. It’s been a learning process for me, but …
I get it, telling me about my sin will be uncomfortable. Maybe you don’t feel like you’re qualified to approach me about it. Maybe you’re unsure of how I’ll take it. Maybe you’re not even sure if you saw or heard what you think you saw and heard? Regardless, I need you to tell me …
The story of the Ethiopian eunuch is one of the most foundational stories in the book of acts concerning salvation. Not only does it create a fully linear description of the conversion process — culminating with baptism — but it also describes the steps that someone would logically take to get there. But what a …