Without a doubt, one of Jesus’ greatest parables (or at least most well-known) would be the one found in Luke 15 about the Prodigal Son. We love putting ourselves in the shoes of the one that departed and has found their way home after a long and soul-sucking sojourn, only to have the father that …
Baal. Zeus. Ashteroth. Hermes. Call them what you want, but they all have one thing in common: their uselessness. However, that certainly did not stop people from worshipping them for hundreds and even thousands of years. Great monuments and ornate temples were set up every day to pay homage to these images, giving respect to …
There’s a story of an old Scots minister who was reading from the first chapter of Matthew’s gospel. He started reading, “Abraham begat Isaac, and Isaac beget Jacob, and Jacob begat Judah,” and he looked on ahead and saw the list to follow and said, “and they kept on begetting one another all the way …
Yes. If you don’t want to read any further, and you’re content with a one-word answer to this question that has (for some reason) stumped just about everyone on the planet, you can stop reading there and move on with your life. I won’t be offended, I promise. Ok, maybe a little. The truth is, …