It is both an asset and a curse to generations today that we are more stubborn than others, never wanting to back down from that which we believe. And when it comes to doctrinal issues, this stubbornness comes in handy, as the winds of “spiritualism” are as common as the Marlin’s losing record (Eph. 4:14). The only problem with this mindset occurs when you find yourself believing something wrong, and sticking to your guns no matter how many people tell you otherwise. Negligence to study for oneself and pride in that ignorance is only a formula for those content with mediocrity – a formula for fools.
In Paul’s defense before the Athenians on Mars Hill (Acts 17), he calls to mind their simple-minded attitude towards worship of “deities,” contrasting it with the existence and worship of the One True God. Then he ends with a call to action for them to repent and turn to Jehovah, adding with it the warning that there will come a time where He will call us all into judgment. But in verse 30, Paul says, “Truly these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent.” Paul makes a bold stand for the importance of the present, stating that while God used to look past these things, He will not do so now, and it is in the best interest of those listening to heed his words. Given this new information, why would any of them balk at it?
Unfortunately, we can not always be guaranteed that those listening to us will heed the words that we speak either, even if they come straight from God’s Word. For one reason or another, people turn away from the Truth, and time and time again they are warned. “Happiness” with their current situation, “contentment” with their spiritual status, or even “assurance” of good things to come keep souls away from God, and it is our goal to change their minds.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines a “fool” as “one who is deficient in judgment, sense or understanding.” Going a step further, a fool is ultimately someone who denies reality. This reality can come in the form of a denial of facts or consequences, but it is nevertheless someone who lives for the day, without any regard for what will happen to them tomorrow. Psalm 53:1 reads, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” If someone can be so bold as to deny the existence of the One who made them, what other things are they willing to deny?
The foolishness of the world is in plain sight, but it is the foolishness of our own lives that we sometimes neglect. Reading the Bible, it is easy to see how things apply to everyone else, but our own selves. When we study Galatians 5:17-20, we remember that time a while back that Jordan committed fornication, or how Justin once had an outburst of wrath, but do we think about the lewdness that is in our own lives? Are they not all in the same list? Does Paul not say that ALL who partake in such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God? A fool is someone who looks at lists such as these and denies the facts that are staring them in the face.
The deceiving thing about this great tragedy is twofold. First, it holds much appeal in the form of procrastination to deal with those sins “when the time is right” (think Acts 24:22-27). We can put them off, but it does not mean that it will go away. Just as Jonah was not able to outrun his problems by boarding a ship to Tarshish, neither can we escape the judgment that faces us all (Romans 14:10-12). Secondly, it is encouraged by the world on an almost daily basis, and as such many have believed lies. Whereas left alone, one could understand the Bible in it’s simplicity and come to a knowledge about the Creation from reading the account in Genesis 1 and 2, now thousands of people that each log 60 hours a week in a tiny lab with 20 different types of frogs tell you such a thing is simply illogical. Is it logical to believe that we all climbed out of the primordial ooze? I tell you brethren, it takes more faith to believe their stance than ours.
Certain rarities are labeled as definite in the lives of many: death and taxes. But another thing that will come to us all is the final judgment of our lives, and anyone that reads the Bible understands this fact. The question remains then, what will you do about the warnings given to you to prepare for such an event? Will we accept the reality of our condition that is right in front of us and change our lives, or do we pretend that such a thing will not exist? Only a fool would choose the latter.
Last modified: January 22, 2019