Last modified: October 12, 2020
Brady• October 12, 2020•
The phrase “Love One Another” is such an enormous command, and yet, extremely personal as well. But what does it really mean, and more pertinently, what does it mean to Christians in 2020?
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CloseHandling a dispute between church members can be tricky. Often times gossip will be spread (intentionally or unintentionally), feelings will be hurt, and people leave. Missing in the whole discussion is what *actually* happened to cause the split in the first place. That's why Matthew 18 is so important -- it gives a step by step playbook of how to handle church disputes in a way that emphasizes relationships instead of winning. If followed properly, many churches would be reconciled instead of splitting. All it takes is a little bit of humility from everyone.
Last modified: October 12, 2020