Last modified: October 12, 2020
Brady• October 12, 2020•
The phrase “Love One Another” is such an enormous command, and yet, extremely personal as well. But what does it really mean, and more pertinently, what does it mean to Christians in 2020?
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CloseJohn 17 is a masterclass in prayer, but few of us take the time to really examine what it talks about. Jesus prays for Himself, His Apostles, and the disciples at large, but He also prays for the work that He's engaged in, as well as for the Apostles to develop strong trust in God's Word. And unity. He prays for the church to be united in purpose as a powerful testimony to the world. Is that what we're praying for? If not, maybe a quick re-examination of what Jesus prays about can help us focus on what we should be doing with our own life.
Last modified: October 12, 2020