Last modified: February 4, 2024
Brady• February 4, 2024•
Bible prophecy can be tough. It’s filled with images and metaphors and descriptions of events that could be really far in the future, or just around the corner.
Because of its difficulty, it can also be abused. In this lesson, we go over a few key ideas to remember any time you approach any kind of Biblical prophecy so that we can get the point of what God is saying.
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CloseBible prophecy can be tough. It's filled with images and metaphors and descriptions of events that could be really far in the future, or just around the corner. Because of its difficulty, it can also be abused. In this lesson, we go over a few key ideas to remember any time you approach any kind of Biblical prophecy so that we can get the point of what God is saying.
Last modified: February 4, 2024