Message: “Decide! (Theme Service — Full Service)” from Various Men

As we go into 2024, we need to take stock of the year previous, consider where we’re at today, then make a plan for the future.

But the one thing we need to do to make sure we grow spiritually in 2024 is to decide. We can’t expect to grow if we don’t make a conscience, goal-specific effort to grow.

Have you made a decision to follow Jesus in 2024?

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Message: “Let’s Hear it For Joseph!” from Brady Cook

In all my years of church going and church preaching, I have never — in my life — heard a sermon about Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus.

Why is that? Sure, there’s not a lot of info about him, but he’s just as important to the story as Mary is (within reason). Moreover, Joseph is called a “righteous man” — one of only 13 people in the entire Bible to have such a designation.

There is obviously something we can learn from his life, otherwise he wouldn’t be a part of Scripture. Especially if we want to be righteous as well.

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Message: “Iceberg Faith: Was the Cross a Tragedy?” from Brady Cook

A message from the series “Iceberg Faith.” Some people will claim that the Crucifixion of Jesus was nothing more than a tragedy. That Jesus didn’t have to die and that God the Father shouldn’t have made Him.

I say that’s bogus. Without the crucifixion, there’s no way to repay the crushing of debt of sin. Don’t believe in sin? There’s a good chance you don’t the Cross was necessary either.

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Message: “Walk Backwards Towards Sin” from Brady Cook

Noah is a shining light in the Old Testament, until that little “incident” after the flood involving some alcohol and his three sons.

One son humiliated him, while the other two “walked backwards towards sin,” not wanting any part in shaming their father any further.

When we’re dealing with someone that is lost in their own sin, we also have to tread lightly. Handle it in love (but handle it!) and help them work through it as best we can.

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Message: “Iceberg Faith: I Don’t Need Organized Religion” from Brady Cook

A message from the series “Iceberg Faith.” A lot of people will say they don’t want to come to church because “organized religion is created by humans,” and all they want is a “relationship” with Jesus.

I get that. But instead of throwing all churches out because of the actions of a few, why not think about the need for the church in your life? God created the church after all — that’s what we should be a part of. Not a religious group full of made up rules.

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Message: “Iceberg Faith: What About Biblical Inconsistencies?” from Brady Cook

A message from the series “Iceberg Faith.” An “easy” way of discrediting the Bible’s authority is by claiming that it contradicts itself. But is that really the case? How do we respond to people who claim this?

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Message: “Their Faith Didn’t Burn” from Brady Cook

To my memory, I first learned about Shadrach, Meschach, and Abed-Nego in my second grade Bible class. I remember hearing how they refused to bow to an idol, and then how awestruck I was that they were able to escape the fiery furnace alive.

But there’s more to the story than that.

In fact, what the story really teaches is how to build a that can withstand the flames before you find yourself in a furnace. The three friends had made a decision long before that day what they would say if the opportunity ever presented itself, and we should too.

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Message: “Does the Perfect Church Even Exist?” from Brady Cook

When people say they’re looking for a “perfect church,” what they’re usually saying is they’re looking for a church that has zero problems, everyone is happy, and constantly growing.

That church doesn’t exist.

Instead of looking for it, we should instead find a place where we can actively contribute to the work that is going on. One where we can show each other the love that Christ has shown us and where we can work to build together.

Those churches are everywhere. It may even be the one you’re attending right now.

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Message: “Iceberg Faith: Is the Bible a Living Document?” from Brady Cook

A message from the series “Iceberg Faith.” A living document insinuates that the Bible needs to change in order to meet the needs of the current generation. Christians know that the Bible is timeless; It’s words are meant for all people, no matter the time.

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Message: “What Makes Grace So Amazing?” from Brady Cook

In the 18th century, John Newton was another businessman involved in the slave trade. For forty years, he trafficked, sold, and stole other humans to make a profit.

Then, he spent the last 20 years of his life passing legislation to outlaw slavery in England.

He marked that transition by writing the hymn “Amazing Grace,” which not only speaks to his enormous turnaround, but ours as well. When we identify the opportunity for redemption and hope that is staring us right in the face — and act on it — grace is no less amazing for us.

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